Arba Tourism's

Morning Desert Safari in Abu Dhabi

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with our morning desert safari in Abu Dhabi. With Arba Tourism, you can experience the beauty and excitement of the desert landscape in a safe and comfortable environment.
In addition to a thrilling dune bashing ride through the rolling dunes, our day/morning desert safari also includes a range of exciting activities, including:
  • Camel rides: Experience the traditional way of transportation in the desert, as you ride through the dunes on the back of a gentle camel.
  • Sandboarding: Try your hand at surfing down the steep dunes on a specially-designed board, providing an exhilarating and unique way to experience the desert landscape.
  • Refreshment: : Savor the flavors of the local dates, with rich and aromatic Arabic coffee.

Whether you’re looking for an adrenaline-pumping adventure or a peaceful escape into nature, our morning desert safari is the perfect way to experience the beauty and excitement of Abu Dhabi’s desert landscape.

Pick Up From across any hotel, malls or popular landmark in Abu Dhabi
Time Duration TBC
Tour Package Includes Pick Up in 4X4 Vehicle
Dune Bashing
Sun Rise View
Camel Rides
Drop Off to Your Destination
Dates and Traditional Arabic Coffee
Tour Package Excludes Lunch (Available for purchase)
Alcohol (Available for purchase)
Dune Buggies and Quad Bikes (Available for rent)
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