Arba Tourism's

Evening Desert Safari in Dubai

Experience the enchanting beauty of the Arabian desert with our evening desert safari in Dubai. As the sun sets over the horizon, the desert landscape takes on a magical quality, and we invite you to explore its wonders with us.
Our expert guides will take you on a thrilling ride through the dunes in our fleet of top-of-the-line vehicles, as you witness the breathtaking spectacle of the desert at dusk. Experience the rush of adrenaline as our skilled drivers take you on a heart-stopping dune bashing adventure, or try your hand at sandboarding and slide down the steep dunes on a specially designed board.
For a more traditional experience, take a camel ride through the desert and enjoy the peaceful tranquility of the golden sands. As night falls, we'll make our way to our desert camp, where you can relax in the comfort of a traditional Bedouin tent and savor a delicious dinner buffet, featuring local delicacies and international cuisine.
Our evening desert safari in Dubai also includes a range of cultural activities that provide fascinating insights into the local way of life. Watch a traditional belly dance performance, get a henna tattoo, or try smoking a shisha pipe as you unwind under the stars.

Experience a truly unforgettable evening with our desert safari in Dubai, as we take you on a journey through the natural beauty and cultural richness of the Arabian desert.

Pick Up From across any hotel, malls or popular landmark in Dubai
Time Duration TBC
Tour Package Includes Pick Up in 4X4 Vehicle
Dune Bashing
Camel Rides
Belly Dancing
Tanura Dance
Henna Design
BBQ Dinner
Drop Off to Your Destination
Tour Package Excludes Alcohol (Available for purchase)
Dune Buggies and Quad Bikes (Available for rent)
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