Arba Tourism's

Desert Safari

Arba Tourism's Desert Safari experience is a must-do for anyone looking to explore the beauty and excitement of the UAE's desert landscape. Our skilled guides and experienced drivers will take you on an unforgettable journey through the rolling dunes, showcasing the breathtaking vistas and unique wildlife that make this landscape so special.
Our Desert Safari package includes a range of activities designed to cater to every interest and age group. Whether you're looking for a thrilling dune bashing adventure, a peaceful camel ride through the desert, or an unforgettable sunset dinner under the stars, we've got you covered.
Our Desert Safari experience is available year-round, with morning, afternoon, and evening packages to suit every schedule. So whether you’re a first-time visitor to the UAE or a long-time resident looking for a new adventure, Arba Tourism’s Desert Safari is the perfect way to explore the beauty and excitement of the desert landscape.
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